
The Munich Simulation Group consists of a group of interested researchers with different background in research backgrounds and professions. What unites us is the interest in the topic of social simulation.

Wolfgang Balzer

Dr. phil. Wolfgang Balzer is professor emeritus at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. He studied mathematics, logics and philosophy at the university of Munich. He teached at the Institut of Philosophy and Statistics, and afterwards at the Munich Centre of Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP). His main interests are: theory of science, social systems and simulation of social systems. For more information, visit

Karl R. Brendel

Dr. phil. Karl Brendel is enterpreneur. He studied Computer Science, Philosophy and Theory of Science at the University of Munich. His main interests are: Computer Science, Theory of Science, and Scientific Computer Simulation.

Daniel Kurzawe

Dr. phil. Daniel Kurzawe is he deputy head of the Research and Development department at the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen of Lower Saxony (University of Göttingen). He studied logic, computational linguistics and philosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. His main interests are in the area of computer-assisted simulations of scientific processes and AI. He investigates and develops sustainable methods for handling digital knowledge and coordinates projects with regard to these topics. For more information visit the wesite His ORCID ID is 0000-0001-5027-7313. You can can find a list of his latest publications at gro.publications.

Klaus Manhart

Dr. phil. Klaus Manhart is a freelance author for IT and science from Munich. He studied logic and philosophy of science, sociology and psychology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. After graduation he worked as a research assistant at the universities of Munich and Leipzig. His focus was on computer simulation, game theory, decision anomalies and social networks. Since 1999 he writes articles for IT and science magazines. For more information, visit the website

Thomas Pitz

Prof. Dr. Thomas Pitz studied mathematics and computer science at the Technical University Darmstadt. He wrote his thesis on the simulation of action types in social systems in the department of Logic- and Philosophy of Science at the LMU Munich. Afterwards, he worked many years in several research projects on game theory, experimental economics and distributed AI at the university of Duisburg-Essen, the laboratory for Experimental Economics in Bonn and at the Vernon Smith laboratory at the Shanghai Jiao Tong university in China. Since 2012 he is professor of economics with the focus on game theory at the Rheine Waal University of applied science. You can find future information about Prof. Pitz at his University Website

Joseph Urban

Dipl.-Inf. Joseph Urban studied informatics at the Technical University of Munich and theory of science at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich. His professional career started with a job as software developer in the telecom industry. In the following years, he held various positions in R&D, innovation and strategy units of a large telecom company. At present, he is a member of the Corporate Technology Office of this company. His private scientific interest is currently on the simulation of economic theories under scientific-theoretical considerations. He is am member of IEEE, ACM, and the Gesellschaft für Informatik.

Former members

Solveig Hofmann

Dieter Will (Deceased)